30 SECEC-ESSSE CONGRESS - Dublin, Ireland - September 7-9, 2022

ePoster Upload Guidelines

In order to upload your ePoster file, please access your account for the upload:

Username: The email of the presenting author / abstract speaker
Password: If you do not remember your password, please click on " Forgot your password ? " on the login box of the event page.

It will be shown online at the EACMFS E-Poster Platform and in the stations at the Congress E-Poster area (no oral presentation is foreseen)

First author must be registered at the Congress.

Format & Size
E-poster presentation accepted format is vertical (1 slide) corresponding to the following dimensions:
90 cm x 142 cm (35.4 in x 55.9 in)

From now on, changes on the authors list, title, or content is not allowed

We recommend a maximum of 30MB only in PDF or PowerPoint format.

Recommended: Arial-Helvetica or Verdana.

Please CLICK HERE to download the PowerPoint template file.

Please CLICK HERE to download the manual to help you to upload the poster.

Contact Details
helpdesk@jointogethergroup.com, in case of any problem regarding the uploading.

We remind you that the first author of each accepted poster must be registered in order to upload the poster.
Please click on the link below to register for the Congress in case you have not done it yet: